Reduced Fee Part-Time MWF AM Registration Fee

Reduced Fee Part-Time MWF AM Registration Fee


This is the registration fee for the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (3 days a week), Part-Time (3 hours a day), MORNING class for The Grove, Step By Step’s Farm School. Farm school will take place on the 6 acres across the street from Farm 12.


Drop off - 8:45 - 9 am

Pickup - 12 - 12:15 pm

Little ones need to be 2.5 years old before the first day of school and not turn 6 in the 2025-2026 school year. Children must be potty trained. Class size will not exceed more than 6 students in each class. Children will be outside in all weather.

We find that the best children for outdoor school are: active, creative/imaginative, able to vocalize needs (thirsty, hungry, tired, cold, etc), and wild at heart. While we think being outside is needed for every child, we find children with these characteristics thrive.

Snacks will need to be provided with your child as we will not have a formal lunch. The most important part of farm school is weather-appropriate clothing. There will be more information to come.

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