There are many different resources in Washington State for childcare. Find Childcare near you offered through the following resources, programs, and organizations: is a site to find childcare from the occasional babysitter to a full-time daycare. The website is set up to filter through needs including: after school care, special needs and tutoring. Caregivers from the area post their resume’s and parents can choose childcare from the list provided.
DCYF - Subsidy Program & Seasonal Care
The Working Connections Child Care program pays for child care subsidies to eligible households with parents who are working or are participating in a DSHS approved work activity and whose children meet citizenship requirements.
The Seasonal Child Care program pays for child care subsidies to eligible seasonally employed agricultural families who live in designated counties and are not receiving TANF benefits.
Child care resources
Child Care Resources (CCR) helps families in challenging situations find answers to child care questions. Parents who work evenings or weekends, children with special needs, families struggling to manage the cost of care and homeless families can all find personalized and in-depth information, referrals and help. Parents can access our internet database 24 hours a day — allowing them to look for care when it is convenient.