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Sammie is a previous client and hard working mother of two. She is recognized for her master couponing and her many artistic abilities. She often sells her crafts at local art shows.

Sammie has a huge heart and is always looking for ways to be generous and to give back. Sammie’s family participated in Step By Step’s walk-a-thon last May. She then joined the drama troupe that performed for Step By Step’s Fall Celebration event in October. She also recently volunteered at our fundraising dinner and auction.

Over the past year, Sammie has donated copious amounts of gently used clothing and baby items to help other moms. She crafted glass ornaments with Step By Step’s logo suspended inside as Christmas presents for some staff members. She also has plans to sell her crafts on-line and donate proceeds to help support Step By Step.

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Yanessa is a former client. She now donates on a monthly basis to help support Step By Step. She is an avid "couponer," and she buys basic necessities in bulk, such as toothpaste, deodorant, etc so she can give the extras to help other moms. She has two daughters now, and donates her children's clothes and toys as they outgrow them. She says she greatly appreciates the help that Step By Step gave her when she was a client, and she wants to be a part of helping other moms, as they work to better their own lives for their children.

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Eastside Baby Corner

Eastside Baby Corner is a national organization that has recently accepted Step By Step into their program as a Family Assistance Provider Partner. They help provide us with donated items for our clients. Everything from diapers, clothes, formula, toys, cribs, layettes, and the list goes on and on. We are so excited about this partnership and we can’t wait to see the impact it will have on our clients and their families!

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Bob Ward

Bob has taken the initiative to start “Motors 4 Moms” – a new program to acquire used vehicles for Step By Step clients who have a proven need for better access to reliable transportation.

“Motors 4 Moms” will help clients achieve their next steps in seeking self sustainability and higher employment opportunities. Two cars have already been donated to clients!

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Loretta Trainor

Loretta Trainor helped coordinate and manage the North Christmas celebration. She oversaw the kitchen and volunteers that served Christmas dinner to our families. Serving over 500 in under 3 hours is no small task, and she did it with a smile!

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Roychelle is a previous client and has two children. She works for Lutheran Community Services and has a passion to care for and help others. As a low income mom, she works hard to provide for her family. Extremely wise and thrifty with her money, she is a caring and good role model for other moms facing similar challenges. She has accepted the responsibility of being the houseparent and living with moms at our new housing residence in Tukwila. She hopes this experience will continue to allow her to grow and learn and that she can help others, as they seek to provide healthy and happy homes for their children.

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Clear Channel Radio

Clear Channel Radio has generously aired Public Service Announcements on their radio stations to help us get the word out about our services! They are also going to help us generate awareness for our upcoming community-wide diaper drive.

We have already had a few moms-in-need connect with us for support, because they heard about us on the radio. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of moms and babies in your community!

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Umpqua Bank

Umpqua Bank is hosting a community wide diaper drive for Step By Step at all 27 of their store locations in the Puget Sound area! Umpqua Bank volunteers have also helped us put together our Bringing Baby Home packages! We are so thankful for their ongoing support and partnership with our organization! Thank You!

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Kim & Ray Sparks

Kim & Ray have generously donated their time and energy to transport Step By Step’s donated items from the Eastside Baby Corner. Every week, they drive up with their truck and pick up these much needed items for our clients.

They have also volunteered time to sort supplies and organize our storage facility. They participated in our 5k Walk/Run and help with our annual Family Christmas Celebration.

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Roy Dintelman

Roy Dintelman is an ongoing supporter of Step By Step. He has not only managed our database and billing system for over 15 years, but he also provides Audio Visual equipment and management for many of our events!

He recently ran music and sound for our 5k Walk/Run in October. It would definitely not have been as fun without him! He kept everyone upbeat and excited in spite of the rain! Roy, you are invaluable!

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Althea & Michael Sanders

Michael and Althea Sanders have been instrumental over the past years volunteering at the South Christmas celebration. Althea spent her first year just helping bag food. Now, she and Michael help oversee the entire event as well as the food bag production and distribution!